Do I need an air pump?
Each inflatable form has a small, plunger type inflation valve with an internal lock valve.
Smaller forms (toddler, child, panty, brief) can easily be inflated by mouth. Larger forms may require a pump due to the volume of air required to fill them. If you have an air mattress pump with a small, pointed, narrow nozzle or a bicycle tire pump with cone shaped, narrow nozzle or a ball needle, these may be used to fill your inflatable mannequin with air. Use of compressed air is NOT recommended, as it is easy to overfill the form and cause it to rupture.
We offer a variety of low pressure air pumps that work well with inflatable mannequins. These include a small plastic foot pump (recommended only if you have one item), quality bellows foot pumps, battery, electric, AC/DC, and rechargable air pumps. All include three nozzles so they can be used for inflation of inflatable mannequins as well as many other inflatable items (rafts, mattresses, beach balls, etc.).